Volunteer with Carbondale Main Street
Off the Rails
The Off the Rails concert series takes place August through October. The concert series runs in conjunction with other events, like Hemps, Hops & Shrooms, Homecoming, and Carbondale Halloween. For the concerts we are looking for BASSETT trained volunteers, help with tear down, and assistance with cleanup near the end of the concert.
For dates and times CLICK HERE
Lights Fantastic
The Lights Fantastic Parade takes place on the first weekend of December. We need help during the pre parade events, and during the parade.
For more details CLICK HERE
Carbondale Classic
Help keep score for our Putt Putt teams at the Carbondale Classic. You can have a choice of any bar to volunteer. There are morning, afternoon, or all day shifts available.
To get signed up CLICK HERE.
Carbondale Brew Fest
Carbondale Brew Fest is a fun craft beer tasting event for the 21 and up crowd. We are looking for volunteers to help set up, Bassett Trained Volunteers to Pour, and help with tear down. There’s some great perks involved for our Brew Fest Volunteers.
For more details CLICK HERE.